Our services:

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Tennessee Electrical Permits

Improve your company's permit workflow with our web-based application for managing Tennessee electrical permits. After signing up for an account, issue agents can use our web-based forms to complete, print, and manage permits online. Online searching and reporting capabilities allow your registered employees to access and print permits right from their web browser. No more typewriters. No more permit booklets. No more keeping track of the next permit number to use. Let our software manage the permit process for you. Contact us to learn how we can simplify your permit management and to schedule an online demonstration.

Online Utility Services

We offer a variety of online services designed specifically for utilities. From applications for service to warranty tracking information, we offer customized web-based solutions for your utilities needs. All of our solutions are web-based, so your company doesn't need to install and maintain additional software on your computers. Multiple offices? No problem. All you need is an internet connection and a computer to be able to access your records. Contact us for an online demonstration of some of the applications we've implemented for other utilities.

Our company:

About the company

Bluewater Online Solutions, LLC provides technological solutions to everyday problems. We specialize in hosting custom web-based applications for our customers. We also provide professional computer and network consulting, and can tailor our services to fit almost any client's needs.

Online Services:

ImageTennessee Electrical Permits
Manage your company's electrical permits online.

ImageWarranty Tracking
Track your appliance sales and warranty information.

ImageTennessee Warrants
Complete and print your Tennessee warrants online.

ImageService Tickets
Handle customer trouble calls with online service tickets. Search by office, call type, service type, or call status.